Lesson Plans and Teaching Resources for Fantastic Mr. Fox

Use Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl to turn your read aloud or small group work into a time to improve comprehension and talk about the text in purposeful ways.

Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox is a story of survival and ingenuity. Through vivid descriptions of both appearance and personality, Dahl creates a clever and resilient main character and three detestable villains. The perfect tale for identifying a character's traits, motivations, and emotions and examining how these attributes contribute to the outcome of the story.

Explore lesson plans and activities to help you teach with Fantastic Mr. Fox in the drop down below.

Instructional Overview

The first page of Book Club for Fantastic Mr. Fox Instructional Overview

Instructional Overview

The instructional overview includes instructional background for character traits, instructional objectives for each of the Book Club meetings, and a list of the materials and preparation necessary to Fantastic Mr. Fox Book Club.
Common Core State Standards Alignment
TEKS Alignment

Management Resources

The first page of Book Club for Fantastic Mr. Fox Management Resources

Management Resources

The management resources include a Book Club Calendar, conversation prompts, Student Self-Evaluation forms, Reading Response Board (with optional Common Core alignment), and an Expectations for Book Club anchor chart.

Meeting 1

One of the strategies for better understanding Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dalh, is to connect with the characters in the text. This Book Club meeting sets the stage for learning how to identify a character's physical and personality traits by looking at their thoughts, dialogue, and actions.

Meeting 2

As the author of Fantastic Mr. Fox, Roald Dahl includes vivid descriptions of his characters' physical appearance. The inclusion of such descriptions allows the reader to create strong mental images of each character which helps to "keep the characters straight" while reading.

Meeting 3

To learn about what a character is like on the inside, the reader needs to pay attention to the things the character thinks and says. This Fantastic Mr. Fox Book Club focuses on using a character's dialogue to learn about his/her personality.

Meeting 4

Another useful way to identify a character's traits is to examine the things he/she does throughout the text. Noticing how the well-developed characters in Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox behave, provides the reader with more ways to connect to the characters.

Meeting 5

The variety of characters that Roald Dahl includes in Fantastic Mr. Fox provides readers with the opportunity to discuss the differences between major and minor characters. The group game taught during this Book Club meeting is a great visual representation of these differences.

Meeting 6

This final Fantastic Mr. Fox Book Club meeting encourages students to draw connections between the story's outcome and what they have learned about a character's physical and personality traits. Thoughtful discussion focuses on how the story might end differently if the main character had the opposite traits.

Vocabulary Connections with Fantastic Mr. Fox

The first page of Vocabulary Connections with Fantastic Mr. Fox

Vocabulary Connections with Fantastic Mr. Fox

This set of vocabulary development resources for Fantastic Mr. Fox highlights the words that are most important for students to know and understand while reading the book.  Through engaging in fun word games, matching words to definitions, and practicing how to categorize words, students will develop the vocabulary necessary to comprehend this story and many others.

Common Core State Standards Alignment
TEKS Alignment

Focus Assessment and Rubric

The first page of Book Club for Fantastic Mr. Fox Focus Assessment and Rubric

Focus Assessment and Rubric

Use this six-question assessment to determine whether or not students understand the key concepts associated with character traits.

Running Record with Fantastic Mr. Fox

Thumbnail for Running Record with Fantastic Mr. Fox

Running Record with Fantastic Mr. Fox

Use this Running Record to assess oral reading fluency with Fantastic Mr. Fox. Track meaning, structure, and visual accuracy using the first 100 words of the text to determine whether or not this book is a good fit for the readers in your classroom.

Management Resources - Spanish

The first page of Book Club for Fantastic Mr. Fox Management Resources

Management Resources - Spanish

The management resources include a Book Club Calendar, conversation prompts, Student Self-Evaluation forms, Reading Response Board (with optional Common Core alignment), and an Expectations for Book Club anchor chart.

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About the Book

The cover for the book Fantastic Mr. Fox
Title: Fantastic Mr. Fox
Author: Roald Dahl
Genre: Fantasy
Themes: Laugh Out Loud
ISBN: 9780141378503
Publisher's Summary:
Fantastic Mr Fox - the tale of the most cunning fox in the world. Boggis is an enormously fat chicken farmer who only eats boiled chickens smothered in fat. Bunce is a duck-and-goose farmer whose dinner gives him a beastly temper. Bean is a turkey-and-apple farmer who only drinks gallons of strong cider. Mr Fox is so clever that every evening he creeps down into the valley and helps himself to food from the farms. Now the farmers have hatched a plan to BANG-BANG-BANG shoot Mr Fox dead. But, just when they think Mr Fox can't possibly escape, he makes a fantastic plan of his own . . .
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