Purchase Orders

Whether you are placing an order for one teacher or would like to provide access to every teacher in your school, using a purchase order with BookPagez is easy.
Number of Teachers
Annual Price per Teacher

Requirements and General Information

  • Purchase orders may only be used for annual memberships.
  • Any teacher using the BookPagez resources must have their own account. All licenses are on a per classroom basis.
  • Discounts are available to groups with 2 or more members.


  • You can download a printable document with purchase order guidelines and pricing along with a copy of our W-9 here
  • If you need a quote please use the form in the Request a Quote tab on this page to request one.
  • You can submit a purchase order through Submit Purchase Order tab on this page, or by emailing it to purchaseorders@bookpagez.com
  • Please include the names and email addresses for all teachers who will have accounts when submiting your purchase order
  • Teachers will have full access to BookPagez 1-2 business days following our receipt of your purchase order.
  • We will send an invoice for payment.
BookPagez School Accounts deliver a comprehensive, secure and flexible supplemental digital learning experience to schools and other learning institutions. Contact our sales team if you have questions.
BookPagez School Accounts deliver a comprehensive, secure and flexible supplemental digital learning experience to schools and other learning institutions. Contact our sales team if you have questions.
Content and Downloadable content Copyright ©2010-2024 Thinking Tree Enterprises, LLC. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced on this site are the property of their respective owners. Please see our Terms of Use.

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©BookPagez.com 2010 - 2023

Save BIG on Your Shortcut to Teaching through the Holidays - and Beyond

You’ve got all the books you and your students love. Now it’s time to grab the resources that make teaching with them eaiser than ever.
This weekend only, you can get a full year of BookPagez for just $29.
That means instant access to thousands of ready-to-go lesson plans and activities for your favorite children’s books at the lowest price we'll ever offer.
Hurry! Sale ends soon.

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When you joined BookPagez, you agreed to follow our Terms of Use. Based on your download activty, it looks like you've gotten carried away.

You are allowed to download resources to use in your classroom for the duration of your subscription. You are not allowed to bulk download resources. In other words, it's against the rules to download all (or most) of the resources. That's stealing, and it's not nice.

Please check your email for a message from us. Reply to the email and let us know what's going on so we can reactivate your account.
In order to continue, please indicate that you agree with the terms above

Get instant access to this resource plus thousands more when you join today.

  • Teach with the best books
  • Always have access to new resources (published every month!)
  • Get full access to Digital Classroom
  • Finally have time to "fit it all in" with super efficient lesson plans
  • Enjoy fast planning tools and stay organized with your personal file cabinet and dashboard