Digital Classroom
focused on building strong reading comprehension skills

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Learn everything you need to know here.

Take a Closer Look at Digital Classroom to Learn:
How the interactive comprehension activities work
How the auto-grading assessments work
What you'll find on your Digital Classroom dashboard
Interactive Comprehension Activities
Perfect for centers, our digital comprehension strategy activities include Read-to-Me questions, writing prompts, multiple answer formats, and easy navigation all of which make it easy to keep students learning and engaged.
The digital comprehension activities are available for all of the picture books in the Resource Library and cover 10 comprehension strategies including:
Asking Questions
Determining Importance
Identifying the Author's Purpose
Making Connections
Making Inferences
Making Predictions
Retelling and Summarizing
Understanding Text Structure

Auto Grading Assessments
Available for all the picture books in the Resource Library, each assessment includes nine Common Core aligned multiple-choice questions and is self-checking. Plus, the Read-to-Me buttons make it easy for students to take the assessments independently.
Easy-to-Use Dashboard
Check student progress, add assignments, and manage groups with ease inside your Digital Classroom dashboard.

Become a Member and Unlock the Easiest Way to Teach with Children's Books
Instant access to lesson plans, activities, and assessments for 300 books (with more added each month!)
Access to classroom resources including posters, games, and any time activities for whole group, small group, and centers
Full access to Digital Classroom
Weekly emails with resource suggestions and tips for getting the most out of your subscription
Risk free guarantee - Try BookPagez for 30 days, if you're not happy we'll gladly issue you a refund
Cancel anytime from your member dashboad
**Refund Policy
Become a Member and Unlock the Easiest Way to Teach with Children's Books
- Get access to all PDF and digital resources
- 30 day risk free guarantee**
- Cancel anytime